Sustainability Starts With You
The Wayne County Community Schools Fund is an endowment fund created to support the efforts of Wayne County Community Schools. Our endowment fund will invest your donation (through the Rochester Area Community Foundation) and use the interest the fund generates to provide programs, materials, and services to students. Wayne County Community Schools works within all eleven county school districts and with community partners to provide positive social, emotional, physical, and academic growth for all of our students.
Ways You Can Get Involved

Kids Print Coffee -
Imprint Coffee Roasters
Wayne County Community Schools has partnered with Imprint Coffee Roasting to offer Kids Print, a unique coffee blend now available at Imprint (31 State Street, Suite 2, Sodus, NY) or online (click the button below). 100% of the profits will be used to benefit the students of Wayne County. And the coffee can be used to benefit you.

Become A Sustaining Contributor
Our Five Dollars Forever program stresses that we don’t turn around and immediately spend your donation. The $5 you donate today will sustain and grow the Wayne County Community Schools Fund into the distant future, allowing your gift today to benefit students for generations to come. Know that your donation in any amount will be appreciated far beyond tomorrow.
Online Store
Consider making a purchase from our STEADY Work online store!
STEADY Work is a Community Schools program that provides youth aged 14-24 with paid work opportunities. All items are constructed by STEADY Work participants, and 100% of the profits will be used to improve and grow the STEADY Work program.

About The Fund
The Wayne County Community Schools Fund has been created to support the efforts of Wayne County Community Schools. Wayne County Community Schools works within all eleven county school districts and with various community partners to provide positive social, emotional, physical, and academic growth for all our students.