Family & Community Engagement Associate
The primary purpose of this role is to support Program Specialists and Community Schools Coordinators in the delivery of services to create a sense of attachment, belonging, and support in Wayne County Communities. Hearing from families, sharing their voices, and bridging the community to professional services are primary responsibilities.
About the Role
Hiring Through
Finger Lakes Community Action
Job Location
To Be Determined
Salary Range
$16-20 per hour depending on experience (P/T and F/T)
HS Diploma, GED or demonstrable skills for written communication.
Associate degree or similar life experience preferred.
Job Tasks & Responsibilities
Tasks and Responsibilities –
Support parents, guardians and older siblings in accessing care and supports for children aged birth to 8 years.
Assist parents, guardians and older siblings in determining how best to help their children navigate school years.
Assist schools in connection to students who are infrequent participants in school activities.
Guide families to resources to provide clarification of how to advocate for their children in the educational process, including college searches, financial aid or career searches.
Aid in delivering evidence-based curriculum like Incredible Years
Help operate Get Ready to Grow and other early childhood programs.
Utilize informal networks to build communication and trust and transparency.
Aid in making connections and accessing services.
Empathize with persons who have past negative experiences with schools and build relationships.
Facilitate family-school communication through formal support, Informal dialogue, modeling, coaching & training for teachers, parents & families and community agencies.
Learn how to use school applications for parent communication like “Remind” and “Parent Square” and “School Tool Parent Interface” and teach parents how to use these systems to communicate with the school.
Learn to complete, deliver and follow through with various community agency referrals.
Support parent & family use of school communication tools.
Suggest social media posts to school and community agencies that could help families; help schools and community agencies assess their communication plans and find weaknesses or gaps.
Foster trust between parents and the educational community
Conduct listening sessions with students and families in formal and informal settings.
Support community service events.
Other duties as determined by the needs of the office.
How To Apply
Send completed application & references to, cc, with the subject line: Community Schools Application: Family & Community Engagement Associate